Meet the team
Seymour Ferreira Chair
Seymour is an accomplished CEO, Non-Executive and entrepreneur with a significant track record of growing, developing and building businesses and brands.
Seymour is Strategic Lead and is primarily responsible for Investors, M&A, People, and Integration.
Gregg Ainsworth CMO
Gregg has over 30 years global experience in marketing, including senior roles in Diageo, LVMH & Allied Domecq and global marketing services giant WPP. Gregg has lived in 10 countries in 3 continents and has start up experience both in beverages and in digital marketing.
Gregg is Communications Lead and is responsible for Marketing, Business Planning (with Tom), Brand Equity, Consumer Intelligence, Digital & PR
Allan Beattie CFO
Allan is a qualified accountant (FCCA) and holds an MA in Economics & Politics from Glasgow University and an MBA from Manchester Business School/University of Bangor.
Allan is responsible for operational Financial & Fund Management, Regulatory & Compliance, Banking, IT, Accounting, and Financial Planning/Forecasting. Allan also has input into Investor Reporting alongside Mike.
Mike Johnson General Counsel
Mike is a former financial advisor of AL Rajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia and has held CFO and other senior executive positions at Piper Heidsieck and Remy Martin.
Mike is responsible for Governance & all matters Legal and works with Allan on Investor Reporting. He is also Sustainability Lead.